The origin of soccer in Algeciras is related to the British and the railroad. This practice of “football” officially dates back to 1902.
It was in this year when a request was made to the local City Council for the transfer of a municipal land for the practice of soccer. The request was registered in 1902 by Ernesto Coombe, an engineer of the Algeciras-Gibraltar Railway Company, who asked the Consistory about the availability of land near the Reina Cristina hotel. The City Council subsequently denied the request, but the importance of the document must be emphasized, as it represents the first official document on soccer in the city.
Thanks to the British presence and the interest that the locals showed in soccer, from 1905 the first teams emerged, very humble, among which we remember the Prim Club or the Algeciras Rail-Way Foot-ball, also known as Ferrocarril F.C., society this one, participated by British and Algeciras players that played in the Field of the Depósito de FF.CC., in addition to others like the España Foot-ball Club, the Victoria Eugenia F.C. or the Albinos Foot-ball Club.
In 1909 a group of young people from Algeciras, led by Joaquín Almela created the first team of the town called Algeciras Foot-ball Club, this foundation of the team is published in the “Heraldo de Madrid” of June 7, 1909, found by Carlos Ortíz, member of Siglo Rojiblanco. What comes to indicate that it would be a few dates before when the club takes nature letter, also in the news that publishes the newspaper, indicates that they had played with other local teams, which is presumably that it was not the only existing one and that soccer had penetrated deeply in Algeciras.