New appointments to the Board of Directors of ALGECIRAS CF SAD


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Agencia de publicidad algecireña, patrocinadora, colaboradora & parnet del Algeciras C.F.

ALGECIRAS CF SAD continues to make progress in solidifying the new project led by the new shareholders Mac Lackey and Ramón Robert, in order to face this new phase with full guarantees.

Mac Lackey has been appointed as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors; Ramón Robert has been appointed as the Club’s Executive President, while retaining his current position as Chief Executive Officer, and Robert Taylor Jr. has been named Vice President of the Club.

Additionally, Alfonso Abadía Jordana, from Abadía & Abadía Abogados, joins as a non-director secretary.

In addition to the aforementioned appointments, in the coming days, new movements at the Board will be conducted, and they will be duly informed.

The Shareholders’ Meeting of ALGECIRAS CF SAD has approved, in today’s meeting, a new composition of the Club’s Board of Directors, by revoking the positions of the previous managers, to whom we thank for their work, and by incorporating a new member and a new secretary. In addition, this new Board has already announced the distribution of executive positions and roles within the Board itself.

Thus, the Board appointed Robert Bray Taylor Jr. as a member of the Board of Directors, as well as Alfonso Abadía Jordana, partner of Abadía & Abadía Abogados, the firm that has been advising Mac Lackey on its business in Spain, as non-director secretary.

On the other hand, the Board of Directors of Algeciras CF SAD has distributed the positions within the board itself, appointing Mac Lackey as Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ramón Robert, current CEO, as Executive Chairman and Robert Bray Taylor Jr. as Chairman of the Board of Directors. as Vice-Chairman, as well as the aforementioned Alfonso Abadía Jordana, as non-director secretary.

This first step in the appointment of the Club’s governing body marks the objective of continuing with the development of the project not only at the sporting level, but also at the corporate level for the settlement of the new strategic plan that the Club has set for the next four years.

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Agencia de publicidad algecireña, patrocinadora, colaboradora & parnet del Algeciras C.F.

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